For more secure, attractive and economical storage areas Art Metal Products all steel bulk storage lockers have been designed to provide maximum security, durability and attractiveness as well as economy in both unit cost and installation. The use of manufactured lockers lends itself to a neat appearing installation which, when properly promoted can be a tremendous asset to the building.
- Attractive
- Durable
- Dependable security
- Fire resistant construction
- Quick, economical installation
- Single & double tier models
Stock Sizes:
- Widths: 36" 48"
- Depths: 36" 48" 60"
- Height: 90"
- Front Extension Panels are available in 6" wide increments from 6" wide to 48" wide to create oversized width units.
- Tops are recommended for situations where the ceiling height is 8'-6" or more when using standard 7'-6" high component modules.
- Shelves are used as dividers between top and bottom openings of double tier lockers. May also be used in single tier lockers for additional floor space and may be shorter than depth of locker to provide space for long items.
- Backs are required for back-to-back installations or where a single row is set away from a wall.
- Bottoms are recommended for use on all single or double tier lockers if dampness prevails.
Custom Installations
- Hallowell Bulk Storage Lockers unique construction provides for a simple, easy way of handling interference from overhead pipes and/or ducts.
- Repair Angle 16 gauge 36" long repair angle is pre-punched on 2" centers to "heal" cuts in dividers or transom.
- Note: Custom sizes are also available. Contact our Sales and Marketing department at 1-800-252-5633 for availability. In the interest of safety, all AMP lockers must be securely anchored to the floor and / or wall.